Saturday, June 30, 2012
Here we are at Stacy and Patrick's wedding.
It was the most wonderful wedding... so laid back and yet elegant. The food was great, the decorations were perfect, and the venue was spectacular.
We are so happy for Stacy and Patrick, they are such a great couple and they are so well matched.
I was a bridesmaid and I have the obi belt to prove it :)
Someday your daddy and I will get married and you will be there! You will get to dress up and be fawned over... I can only hope our wedding is as nice as Stacy and Patrick's was!
Friday, June 29, 2012
We drove to San Jose and got to see Uncle Mark.
He is pretty excited to meet you too!
He has been one of my best friends for years now. I wonder who your best friends will be as you grow up.....
Thursday, June 28, 2012
My new best friend.
Thanks to you and your pressure on my back, I am in almost constant discomfort that often times turns to actual pain.
But with this little guy, I can actually relax.
The only bad thing is that he sets off a lot of warmth and it has already been so warm... so I find myself under a fan guzzling ice water while my back sweats and sweats....
But it will all be worth it!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Books!!!! A box of books came in the mail today!
From Aaron and Nicole, friends from Sacramento.
So much fun to get boxes in the mail! So much more fun to have the box full of gifts... and best of all, a gift of books!!!
I simply can't wait to read them to you and someday for you to read them to me!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Not as healthy tonight...
This wasn't dinner, but dessert.
Yay for milk.
Yay for cookies.
Yay for couch cuddles with your daddy and watching TV shows with snacks!
This is the sort of thing I am looking forward to after you get here, the day to day normal life stuff that we will do as a family.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Making another big salad.
Dinner time in our house tonight was Daddy cooking in the kitchen, me chopping up stuff for the sald, and Olive running around in circles.
Domestic bliss!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Daddy put together your crib today!!
I am so excited that I can hardly sit still. SO looking forward to having you in our home and helping us make our little family a little bit bigger.
The nursery is coming together so nicely!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Today Aunt Robin and aunt Kelly took me out for a fancy high English tea.
We dressed up and used high manners... and ate and ate and ate...
So many different kinds of tea! So many different little snacks!
So, I'm not really into the girly thing for the most part, but this was quite fun.
Friday, June 22, 2012
I was on another LGBT panel today. (I'm the "B")
I like doing these panels because I think it is important for people to see the people behind the labels.
I want you to know that no matter what label you have, I will love you.
I really hope that you grow up in a safe and secure society that doesn't care who you want to sleep with or who you happen to follow up.
That's what I'm working toward... we might not get there for your early years, but maybe by the time you are a teenager.... One can hope!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Yes.... computer games....
Insanely fun!
I finally got around to playing this delightful game and am hooked! The zombies are so silly and the strategy is so fun to figure out... It is like puzzles with cute animation!
To be honest, I used to be quite into Tetris.... but this new generation of games is so much more fun!
I can't wait to see what sorts of games you end up liking...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
I will be running a CoC game in the coming weeks for some friends.
I am really excited... I hope this gives me the chance to be creative in small doses.
I also hope that this gaming group can continue well after you are born!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
20 pounds of baby.
And... who knows how many more pounds to go.
It's all good.. right? Right? It just means that you are growing big and healthy.
And... that's good.
But still.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Pretty sunflowers from Sonja and Alie!
Last year I grew the prettiest sunflowers in our garden... this year... I have grown nothing except weeds.
Yeah, I was more motivated last year and was full of a lot more energy.
Hopefully next year I will be able to do m=some more planting... I really enjoyed the flowers!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Father's Day!!!!!
A fun book of geeky projects for you to do with Daddy and then a hobby book just for Daddy... oh and brunch.
I can't wait for next year when you will be here!
When I was little we always did Father's / Mother's Day breakfast in bed. It was always so much fun... and it is a tradition that I want to pass on!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Brunch with a bunch of lovely of other little families!
From the left: Ashley and baby Richard, Alie (due a week after you) ME!, Jennifer and baby Jerm,and Cynthia with baby Piper!
I want to do it again and take another photo with full families!
It was so much fun hanging out with these other moms and babies!
Update re the pulse thing: I have to lay low and am on modified house rest.. which is much better than bed rest. But this does mean that I can't really exercise or take the walks I was enjoying....
Friday, June 15, 2012
Ummm! Salad!
Chopped baby carrots
Chopped red bell pepper
Chopped cucumber
Bag of lettuce
I can eat almost an entire bowl all by myself!
... but I do sometimes share with Daddy.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Yep, that 's you in there!
And that delightful bit of cord and whatnot is a heart monitor that I got to wear for 24 hours as a way of seeing how dangerous my pulse spikes are to me and to you.
It was a pretty busy day today, and I know my pulse spiked a few times.... I just hope they can figure out a way to keep up both healthy WITHOUT having me be on bed rest.
I think I will go crazy if they put me on bed rest.
/fingers crossed!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Coalition meeting time!
I'm lucky it is just a few buildings down from where we live. My pulse has been all sorts fo scary high lately and it seems just going for even a short little walk tires me out and makes my heart go super pitter pat.
This coalition is all about decreasing the number of smokers in Fresno. I represent the LGBT Community... because well, partly because a lot of LGBT people smoke and partly because the coalition wanted a more varied coalition. Yes, it is a bit odd to me too.
Smoking.... smoking is gross and unhealthy and smelly and ... and addictive. The best way, it seems to me, to keep people from smoking is to have them never start. I am a part of this coalition because I want to help decrease the number of youth who start smoking.
You will have aunts and uncles who smoke. I really hope you follow in my and your daddy's footsteps though and never start.
And I hope your aunts and uncles quit... I want them to be around when you are older.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
It's only going to get hotter.
Blech. I'm already feeling overheated all the darn time... I am very nervous about this coming summer!
Thank goodness for the pool!
Swimming: When I was little I had swim lessons... I had several years of swim lessons, to be honest, but I never really took to swimming or felt confident in the water. Last summer your daddy taught me again and I don't know if it was him or the fact that I'm older now, but suddenly it all clicked. I loved treading water last summer and swimming back and forth in the pool. I love feeling tired and yet watching my stamina increase and my legs and arms tone up. Not sure how much of that I am going to get this summer, but I am hopeful!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Purchased at Target.... a gift for another little one.
It made me think of the movies I watched as a kid and how the affected me.
Daddy and I are going to limit your TV / movies. It won't be as limited as I had it (we didn't have TV or internet when I was young, so the only way to see movies was in the theater or at someone else's house.
Your watching won't be as much as Daddy's was when he was little.
Instead we are going for a balance. We want you to not have any screen time until you are at least 2, and then to make it limited and a family event.
I know, this might changes and we might go a different way... but for now this is the plan. I just really really ant to avoid using the TV as a babysitter for you.
But oh wow are there a lot of movies I can't wait to show you when you are older!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
A shelf!
It was a lot of work to find the right shelf.... I wanted one that would be big enough for books or whatnot but wouldn't be huge... it also needed to go on the wall above the other stuff but I didn't want a "floating" shelf as they tend to pull out of the wall and can sometimes fall or not be able to support much weight.
Facebook to the rescue!
After lots of internet searches and some helpful advice from friends, I settled on this shelf from Ikea. If I ever fel that it isn't doing as good as possible, Aunt robin and I will add brackets to the wall and underneath.
Regardless, Daddy installed it today and I already moved your stuffed animals up there. You are amassing quite a collection!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Every Sunday (well, ok, sometimes on Saturedays)...
Every weekend (mostly anyway) your daddy and I have a coffee date.
Although I don't drink coffee usually, but you get the point.
we go out to a bagel shop or a coffee shop and we visit and relax. This is important because it allows us to take a break from "real life" for just a bit and reconnect. I know we are closer because of this little tradition. spending time with your daddy is still one of my most favorite things to do.... a good sign since we are committed to being together for the long haul1
My parents did the same sort of thing. (although they did it on Sunday afternoons, after church and lunch). My sisters and I were left at home to entertain ourselves and my folks gave themselves a break.
Considering the rate of divorce and that my folks are still together and happy, I think that this little tradition of alone time, of date time, of focusing on the relationship time, is a good thing and I am pleased that your daddy and I have already started it.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Another visit with baby Piper.
As I was holding her, she was resting on my baby bump (you).
She farted... which made me giggle but you kicked her! Right in the botom!
Which made me giggle even harder.
I know it is all random, your little moves, but it was fun to think that you were saying "Hey! That's my mommy!"
I might get the chance to babysit little Miss Piper a bit next month... I'll call it Ella practice :)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
ZOMG! It's a Monkey Box! Full of baby socks!
I tell you what, decorating your nursery has gotten a lot more fun once I decided to go with baby safari / jungle animals and have given myself permission to monkey around a bit.
We have gotten a lot of hand me downs but the monkey box is new... just for you, my little fishy --> monkey baby!
I wonder how many of the things we are getting for you now will even make it into your memories....
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
We took Baby Piper (onthe right) and Baby Richard (left) to the park today.
It was a lot of fun watching them play. I can't wait to take you to the partk... I can't wait to watch you play with your little baby toddler friends.
WE didn't go to the park a lot when I was young, we never lived in a place with nice safe parks. I really hope that your daddy and I find a way to make park play a part of you little life.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
This was my day. I organized the hall closet.
And you know what? It made me happy.
So there. :P
I hope you like organizing things as much as I do!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Jennifer brought over her kids and they played today.
It was fun watching them be totally entertained by a puddle fo water for over an hour!
Ahh... the simple things.....
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Your dad is on a mission.
To rid our house of bugs.
Little bugs, big bugs, icky bugs... no matter... He wants them dead and gone.
I fully support this mission (even if flies bug me a tiny bit more). Today we bought some stuff to help kill the bugs... and then he set to work.
Bugs... begone! There's a Daddy in this house who doesn't want you anywhere near any of the baby stuff!
In other not related news.. Eric moved out today giving our house back to us... for a few months at least :)
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Happy Pride 2012!!
This year I wasn't in the parade, I worked the table for the whole event... and I am So Freakin' Tired!
But glad. It was a great day, we saw a lot of people took a lot of cool photos, gave out lots of fliers and even sold some merch!
My pulse was a bit of an issue, but we managed... and I am so glad to be a part of the Gay Central valley team! I can't wait to take you to Pride parades when you are little!
Although.... although I really hope that the need for them won't as much when you are older.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Friday night, TV via laptop and cuddles in bed.
Pretty darn nifty if you ask me.
I used to like to go out.. to dance, to party, to roam the streets in the wee hours, to watch the sun come up with blurred and tired vision...
But now? now I like TV via a laptop, a cat on my lap, a sweetie by my side... and to be dreaming by 11 pm.
Yeah, I'm older now.
But happier.
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