Sunday, September 30, 2012
You cry a lot.
I don't mind.
Ok, I sort of do.
I understand it is your only way to communicate... but still.
You cry a lot.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Grandma has left us... but we managed ok.
I love the way your little hands flail around... I know you don't have any control over them.. but I like to think that every flail brings you closer to intentional movement!
Friday, September 28, 2012
You are so cute!
Today you and I went for a short walk around the complex... it as only 10 minutes but it was good... and hot.
Otherwise I recovered from last night's manic feeding and lack of sleep and tried to enjoy the last day of Grandma being here.
We are really going to miss having her here... she has made our lives a lot easier.
Daddy is singing Beatles songs to you as I type this. /squee/
I tried having you in the sling today as you seemed to just want to hang out (been more interested in your pacifier too) but I don't think I had it on right because you were very awkward... I think I figured out what I was doing wrong and we shall try again tomorrow.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
We went out for breakfast this morning with Grandma. I did much much better about being outside and it was fun to have you at the table with us... even if you slept the whole time.
Yes, we are sleep deprived. Yes, you are still sleeping way too much and not eating enough... yes it was Daddy's first day back at the office...
And yes I did okay.
Getting in and out of Grandma's car with the seat... now, that was rather a trick. If anyone had been watching, I'm sure they would have been amused.
After breakfast Grandma and I went tot he store to try to get you more bottles. And then home... where I crashed.
A big big day.....
And then... a long long night because you are really getting into this cluster feeding type of action....
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Back to the Dr's office... you have been putting on weight and my milk has, at last, come in... so we are now supplementing you with breast milk. It looks like Plan B might work if we can just fix your little latching problem.
You need at least 22 oz of milk a day. Which means several 10-15 feedings and maybe a few bottles.
I'm optimistic, but wary.
We also went to Target today... another trip outside in the wide wide scary world but I held it together better. It seemed safer in the store. My legs are very trembly and my healing issues are still in the "need more time" sort of place, but slowly I think we are going to be all right.
I'm optimistic, but wary.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
We went outside today for a trip that wasn't to the Dr's office.
It was surprisingly hard for me. I don't know why... but I was just overcome with all these fears.
We weren't out for long, we went for a walk around the complex, the three of us, Daddy, me and you in the stroller. Then we went for a bit of a drive around some of the neighborhoods where I might take you for walks when I am stronger.
And less weepy.
It was so hard being out there in the world with you... I was tense and scared and coudndn't stop crying.
I'm glad Daddy pushed me to do it, but it was very very hard.
I hope it gets better with time.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Your jaundice levels are better, but we are still having issues feeding you.
Today we learned about a new way to supplement using a feeding tube.
I hate the feeding tube.
It makes me think that we are tricking you... you are trying so hard to latch onto me but you are getting formula pumped into you.
I guess you are getting the best of both worlds, but I still hate it.
The perfect ideal, call it plan A, is for you to BF from me.
Plan B is for you to eat breast milk from botles (if you can't learn to latch)
Plan C is for you to get breast milk and formula from bottles (if you can't learn to latch and if my milk doesn't come in enough)
Plan D is for you to be on full formula.
It is starting to seem like A is not going to be an option... and though I don't like the other plans, my ego has to be checked at the door.
What matters is that you get food in your tummy.
The photo, by the way is you in the jammies from Great Grandma Bartel. They are the best jammies we have for you, the perfect temp. ANd you look so cute in them!!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
We took you to the Dr's today... your weight is down and they are worried about you not getting enough to eat. Time to suplement.
I have to tell you how hard it was to hear, I felt like such a failure.... how could I be failing you already?
I'm very eager for my milk to come in, it seems like that will help.
They say that because of the way you were delivered, your little jaws might just not be that strong.... this can be fixed with time as you grow stronger but it is hard to grow stronger when you aren't getting enough to eat.
I hate it when they stick you, it is so hard to watch and listen to... my heart breaks and your little heels are all bandaged up, poor baby.
Today was rough. But tomorrow things will be better.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
We were discharged from the hospital today.
It was so fun to put you in regular clothes! (It was fun to put ME in regular clothes too!)
The ride home from the hospital was surreal. Having you here, in the house, was bizarre... but in a good good way.
See that outfit? With the ducky on the butt? I picked that out for you special months ago. So glad you could wear it.
And now... now it really begins!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Today was all about the realization that you were here.
Grandma was here most of the day helping us... and making me laugh so hard it hurt.
Your Daddy loves changing your diaper (lots of poop).Lots of nurses and staff in and out of the room ( a bit annoying).
Mostly though, we slept and I tried to feed you.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
9-20-12: Finally Meeting You Part 3 (final)
You are here! At last!!!
51 hours of labor.
When we got to the hospital, close to midnight, I was ecstatic to learn that I had dilated to 7 cm... So... a whole 5 from the last visit! No sending me home this time! It was time for a room!
We tried to get settled, Grandma, Ashley, Daddy, Amber and I, but it was hard because the contractions were so much more intense and painful.
I have to admit here that my dignity had gone out the window. I was naked, I was standing tall on the bed, I think I might have moaned to the point of an almost primal howl.
It hurt.
As I write this several days later, I can remember the emotional feeling of the pain, the thought that my body was betraying me, the feeling like my hips were being sloooooowly dislocated from the inside out, the almost blinding waves that just kept coming... but it is hard to remember all the little details of the next several hours. I remember the squat bar, I remember getting out of bed to stand and lean, I remember trying to breath and count. For now at least, I remember the pain.
Around 5 am I got checked out again and had only progressed another cm.
This is when I started to fatigue in a major way.
It had been 37 hours of labor and you weren't progressing, I was getting so tired that I would fall asleep in between contractions, little 45 seconds of sleep that would be shattered when my body would plunge me back into mind numbing pain over and over and over again.
They offered an epidural and I refused. I was scared, I didn't want to be removed from this experience, I didn't want to lose my connection with you even though it hurt so bad. I didn't want to fail myself.
Eventually though, and after some very clear conversations with the doctor who was trying his best to keep me out of the operating room (his stance was that my water still hadn't broken, I needed that and I need Pit to help keep these contractions moving UP and harder to actually help with the dilation.... but that as we went later and later my chancres for having to have a c-section were just getting bigger), I decided to accept the epidural.
After 37 hours of labor, I felt I wasn't cheating, I wasn't weak, and I needed to do what was best for both of us. at 6:30 they administered the epidural.
Holding still during contractions while getting the epidural was insanely hard to do. But I did it, with Daddy's help.
Then they broke my water, installed a cath, and started me on Pit.
And miracles of miracles, I was ok with it. I was better than ok with it. I was so relieved to be out of so much pain (still feeling those contractions, more like heavy pressure now, like bad cramps) and yes I could still move and feel my legs.
We all took a nap.
When we got to the hospital, close to midnight, I was ecstatic to learn that I had dilated to 7 cm... So... a whole 5 from the last visit! No sending me home this time! It was time for a room!
We tried to get settled, Grandma, Ashley, Daddy, Amber and I, but it was hard because the contractions were so much more intense and painful.
I have to admit here that my dignity had gone out the window. I was naked, I was standing tall on the bed, I think I might have moaned to the point of an almost primal howl.
It hurt.
As I write this several days later, I can remember the emotional feeling of the pain, the thought that my body was betraying me, the feeling like my hips were being sloooooowly dislocated from the inside out, the almost blinding waves that just kept coming... but it is hard to remember all the little details of the next several hours. I remember the squat bar, I remember getting out of bed to stand and lean, I remember trying to breath and count. For now at least, I remember the pain.
Around 5 am I got checked out again and had only progressed another cm.
This is when I started to fatigue in a major way.
It had been 37 hours of labor and you weren't progressing, I was getting so tired that I would fall asleep in between contractions, little 45 seconds of sleep that would be shattered when my body would plunge me back into mind numbing pain over and over and over again.
They offered an epidural and I refused. I was scared, I didn't want to be removed from this experience, I didn't want to lose my connection with you even though it hurt so bad. I didn't want to fail myself.
Eventually though, and after some very clear conversations with the doctor who was trying his best to keep me out of the operating room (his stance was that my water still hadn't broken, I needed that and I need Pit to help keep these contractions moving UP and harder to actually help with the dilation.... but that as we went later and later my chancres for having to have a c-section were just getting bigger), I decided to accept the epidural.
After 37 hours of labor, I felt I wasn't cheating, I wasn't weak, and I needed to do what was best for both of us. at 6:30 they administered the epidural.
Holding still during contractions while getting the epidural was insanely hard to do. But I did it, with Daddy's help.
Then they broke my water, installed a cath, and started me on Pit.
And miracles of miracles, I was ok with it. I was better than ok with it. I was so relieved to be out of so much pain (still feeling those contractions, more like heavy pressure now, like bad cramps) and yes I could still move and feel my legs.
We all took a nap.
Three hours later, I was better rested, still feeling the contractions, and ready for what would happen next.... what happened next was that even with the 'pit, I was only at 8 cm... so more pit was needed.
Looking at the read outs of the contractions, I was never more happy that I had changed my mind and allowed the epidural. I don't think I could have endured so many more hours of that level of pain, especially since we just weren't progressing.
That was pretty much the rest of the day. I labored, heavy pressure, working on my breathing, no more resting, highly uncomfy but away from the horrific pain.
Why oh why weren't we progressing?
It turns out you were a Sunny Side Up baby, you were turned slightly wrong. (Meaning that my severe pain had a reason and that there wouldn't have been any way to help it). WE got me into some weird positions and eventually got you to turn.
What a relief!
Ok, so... you are in the correct position, I am still laboring... but we still aren't progressing as fast as we should, although we are finally at a 10.
Dr B talked to us about vacuum extraction. Again, he wanted to avoid a c-section buthe was getting concerned that you might be just too big for me to push out...
I was terrified of the vacuum extractor. I thought it would be this horrible conrtraptin, I worried that it would damage your head, I felt like I was failing you already by not being strong enough to push you out.
Another long conversation with the dr, who answered all my questions and even showed me the tools, explained the risk and the benefits and told me again that he was trying to save me from the operating room.
Ok, I said, eventually, for now I want to chance to push.
They upped my Pit again and the pushing started.
A whole new level of pain / pressure and breathing.
Grandma and Amber held my legs while Daddy talked me through each contraction push. I could feel the contractions in my uterus so I knew when it was time... and boy was it time a lot.
I pushed and I pushed and my ever present nausea got worse and worse until I ended up throwing up.
And that's when I cried a litle. I was so frustrated and sick and in pain and scared that I wan't going to be able to do it.
The Dr came back. It's time he said. No, I said, another half an hour of pushing.
A half an hour later, on the dot mind you, he was back. It's time he said. Ok.
I pushed, he prepped the vacume xttactor.
He only gets three tries. I know this, I can hear them counting and giving the time. I can feel you stretching me, tearing me, opeing me up.
First try fail.
Again we all say, and again we go. I arch, I strain, I push and I tell myself I am willing to break myself in half, I am willing to ripe wide open for you, I want you to be safe so bad, to be out and breathing, and ok.
I tell myself that I will push until I can't breath, until I can't see, until I am nothing more than a portal for you.
The time is being counted, we are running out of time... and then you are out. you are moving from inside of me and into the world.
And I am gasping, wheezing, filled with emotions that I can't even begin to name.
They take you off to the side and Daddy goes with you. I wait. I wait... and then I hear you cry.
And I weep.
The Aftermath:
I get stitches because I tore (but only 2nd degree, thank goodness). I deliver the placenta I know they have turned off the epidural, they have removed the cath with it', it was huge by the way. blood filled urine. But I don't care because finally, finally, they bring you to me and they lay you on my chest and then I am touching you, feeling your skin against mine, falling even more in love with you and with Daddy and I can't stop crying.
The rest of the night was a blur... but here are moments:
Daddy cut your cord.
He handed the scissors to someone and no cone could find them for a bit.
You were 9 pounds 3 oz and 21 and 3/4 inches long.
You had perfect brown hair.
You had daddy's cleft chin.
I thought I wouldn't want to ever let you go but watching Daddy hold you made me so happy.
They moved us to a new room and I changed into a new gown... I mistakenly thought my naked time was over.
I got trained on my peri care, a very elaborate process.
I stood up for the first time in what felt like forever.
I had to remember how to pee.
There was so much blood.
We swaddled you in the hospital blankets.
There was music.
We slept.
Looking at the read outs of the contractions, I was never more happy that I had changed my mind and allowed the epidural. I don't think I could have endured so many more hours of that level of pain, especially since we just weren't progressing.
That was pretty much the rest of the day. I labored, heavy pressure, working on my breathing, no more resting, highly uncomfy but away from the horrific pain.
Why oh why weren't we progressing?
It turns out you were a Sunny Side Up baby, you were turned slightly wrong. (Meaning that my severe pain had a reason and that there wouldn't have been any way to help it). WE got me into some weird positions and eventually got you to turn.
What a relief!
Ok, so... you are in the correct position, I am still laboring... but we still aren't progressing as fast as we should, although we are finally at a 10.
Dr B talked to us about vacuum extraction. Again, he wanted to avoid a c-section buthe was getting concerned that you might be just too big for me to push out...
I was terrified of the vacuum extractor. I thought it would be this horrible conrtraptin, I worried that it would damage your head, I felt like I was failing you already by not being strong enough to push you out.
Another long conversation with the dr, who answered all my questions and even showed me the tools, explained the risk and the benefits and told me again that he was trying to save me from the operating room.
Ok, I said, eventually, for now I want to chance to push.
They upped my Pit again and the pushing started.
A whole new level of pain / pressure and breathing.
Grandma and Amber held my legs while Daddy talked me through each contraction push. I could feel the contractions in my uterus so I knew when it was time... and boy was it time a lot.
I pushed and I pushed and my ever present nausea got worse and worse until I ended up throwing up.
And that's when I cried a litle. I was so frustrated and sick and in pain and scared that I wan't going to be able to do it.
The Dr came back. It's time he said. No, I said, another half an hour of pushing.
A half an hour later, on the dot mind you, he was back. It's time he said. Ok.
I pushed, he prepped the vacume xttactor.
He only gets three tries. I know this, I can hear them counting and giving the time. I can feel you stretching me, tearing me, opeing me up.
First try fail.
Again we all say, and again we go. I arch, I strain, I push and I tell myself I am willing to break myself in half, I am willing to ripe wide open for you, I want you to be safe so bad, to be out and breathing, and ok.
I tell myself that I will push until I can't breath, until I can't see, until I am nothing more than a portal for you.
The time is being counted, we are running out of time... and then you are out. you are moving from inside of me and into the world.
And I am gasping, wheezing, filled with emotions that I can't even begin to name.
They take you off to the side and Daddy goes with you. I wait. I wait... and then I hear you cry.
And I weep.
The Aftermath:
I get stitches because I tore (but only 2nd degree, thank goodness). I deliver the placenta I know they have turned off the epidural, they have removed the cath with it', it was huge by the way. blood filled urine. But I don't care because finally, finally, they bring you to me and they lay you on my chest and then I am touching you, feeling your skin against mine, falling even more in love with you and with Daddy and I can't stop crying.
The rest of the night was a blur... but here are moments:
Daddy cut your cord.
He handed the scissors to someone and no cone could find them for a bit.
You were 9 pounds 3 oz and 21 and 3/4 inches long.
You had perfect brown hair.
You had daddy's cleft chin.
I thought I wouldn't want to ever let you go but watching Daddy hold you made me so happy.
They moved us to a new room and I changed into a new gown... I mistakenly thought my naked time was over.
I got trained on my peri care, a very elaborate process.
I stood up for the first time in what felt like forever.
I had to remember how to pee.
There was so much blood.
We swaddled you in the hospital blankets.
There was music.
We slept.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
9-19-12: Finally Meeting You Part 2
Finally Meeting You: Part 2
Labor it is!
So, Robin, Amber, Grandma, Daddy and I bonded through the labor today.
Daddy and I started off last night (it started around 4 but he wasn;'t home until after 8). Robin came over around 1:30 in the morning and kept us company. We walked, we talked, we made plans....
Amber was here too... she and I went for a walk around the complex and went through the sprinklers. I'll never forget that, I laughed at the water but I was also already hurting a bit.... it was the first time in months I hadn't felt over heated.
I called Grandma in the wee hours and she headed here from San Jose. Can you believe we were actually worried that she might miss something?
We went to the hospital and were told that I was only a 2... so back home (home by 6:30) for more exciting labor fun.
In this photo, Robin is braiding my hair. I am not sure how she got the idea, but it was such a blessing to have all my wispy hairs off my forehead and my hair up and out of my way.
At 11:30 we were sure I had dilated some more so we went back to the hospital... but again, I was measured at a 2 and we were sent home.
We listened to music, I sang to you through the contractions.... and I walked, paced, crawled, showered, and tried to focus on breathing and counting through the contractions all day.
All day.
Cynthia brought dinner and I forced myself to have a few noodles. I knew I needed my strength, but I didn't want to eat, I wanted to focus on you.
Eventually Robin had to go and Ashley took over as labor helper.
As it got later and later my contractions started getting harder and longer and MUCH more intesne. They were primarily in my back and my hips, my damn hips I kept saying. I had been having back and hip pain formonths now, so it wasn't that shocking, but boy did it hurt.
At 11:30 we headed back to the hospital... in a bit more of ahurry now as the contractins were really coming strong.... and it was super hard to not flinch, stretch, and gyrate my way through them in the car... and of course there was road work on the way.
End of Part 2
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
9-18-12: Finally Meeting You: Part 1
Finally Meeting You Part 1
Could it be?
Or pre labor, and a false alarm.
Either way, time for comfort food in the form of veggie soup, salad, and brad from Old Spaghetti Factory!
The rest of today was actually very relaxing. Morning snack with Allison, pedicure and leg / back massage, then lots of lovely hang out time with Ashley and Richard (who is doing so much better with his walking!!!), then home to field a zillion phone calls before realizing that the random contractions aren't as random.
Since around 4 this afternoon, been trying not to keep track while keeping track, trying not to get excited while being excited, and trying to rest while there is pain every so often.
Will you be born tomorrow? The next day? Or are you messing with my head and not planning on coming until next week?
Only time will tell....
End of Part 1
* This was real labor, I just wrote it earlier.... in Part 2 I talk about the rest of the night.....)
Monday, September 17, 2012
To break the monotony of waiting, Robin took me to Starbucks today to talk about crochet projects and writing projects etc. It was lovely!
And then to break the monotony even more I had a dr apt.... where they told us you weren't in enough fluid.
Well, a few hours later and some more tests and your fluid levels are ust peachy.
Little one, this is our 4th trip under slight dramatic circumstances. I hope this doesn't bode badly for the future....
Actually, I wasn't really worried this time.... since we had been there a few times, it wasn't as frightening and I was sure that the first test was flawed. see, that's me in the photo smiling and crocheting while we wait.
Home afterwards... for more... you guessed it, waiting.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Today was pretty busy, but good.
We ran some errands and then went to James' birthday party at a pizza place. Yum!
After that it was book club with a new member and some great fun conversation... and then an evening of relaxing with Daddy.
Daddy got out his guitar and worked on tuning it. He is going to learn a few lulabies and some other songs to sing to you...
Stand By Me
Let It Be
Someone Like You
I can't wait!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Today is our 5 year anniversary.
5 years!
Sometimes it seems a lot longer (in the whole hard to remember what life was like before sort of way) and sometimes it seems so quick.
We had brunch at our favorite breakfast place (and used a coupon!). -That's what the photo is from- I even allowed myself 1 and 1/2 cup of decalf coffee as a treat!
The rest of the day we spent relaxing, doing a bit of kitchen prep for you, and playing WoW. For dinner we cooked togehter, so nice, and then had a brief cuddle before headed over to Cynthia and Michael's house for dessert with a whole slew of people.
I got to play with a 2 1/2 year old and hold baby Piper... and then come home and spend some more quality time with your daddy.
It was a wonderful day!
Yes, I sort of wish you were here or at least coming, but I am glad we had the day we did.
This year our big anniversary gift to each other is... YOU!
Last year I made daddy this video:
I hope someday you too gt to have such a wonderful partner in your life.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Today we did not go into labor.
But we did go out and get you your September books. Daddy found these and they seemed perfect. We can't wait to hug and kiss you!
Still having the BH contractions, mainly at night, but it looks like Dr R was wrong when he predicted you might come before the weekend.
I felt pretty crummy today, all achey and tired and such... getting out of the house to run errands after dinner really helped. Thank goodness your daddy sometimes knows what I need before I do!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
That's you in there... getting bigger every day.
This whole not being able to stand straight up, not being able to lay down comfy, and not being able to sit at my computer stuff is getting old.
In other words, Ella, we are ready for you. Come anytime.
Neal and Keith rescued me from what feels like house arest today for some McD's ice cream...
In other news, we are now sure that your car seat has been properly installed. Hooray for safety!
We finished the night with some WoW play, thankfully my computer seems to be working again!
Did I mention that I'm ready for you?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
There really wasn't a good photo of today as I spent most of the day frantically responding to emails, working on an article, and writing desktop guides for GCV things.
I did take the time to wonder if my burst of energy was the nesting thing that women supposedly get right before labor or if it was the adrenalin thing most people get when they realize that they have procrastinated too long.
Either way, I got a bunch done today.
I even had time to take a walk (slow) in the mall and to hang out with Robin, James, Allison, and Daddy for dinner.
Olive was the sentinel of the bed tonight... she was clearly ready way before me and wasn't overly patient.
Alas, I couldn't sleep. It is 330 am tomorrow and I am still wide awake and twitchy.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Today was 9-11.
It's weird to think that an event that was such a huge deal for me, I was 20 when the towers fell, will be like ancient history for you. I wonder what sort of huge moments in history my mother watched roll by before I was born that feel beyond distant to me now.
In more happy news...
Today was also the day I had my 38 week check up. I was told that I was 2 cm dilated and 65% effaced…. Dr Royle also “swirled” the membrane which has been known to release a hormone that starts labor.
My due date is on the 21st. So, just over a week away, but Dr Royle seemed to think that I would have you before then.
Today was also the day I had my 38 week check up. I was told that I was 2 cm dilated and 65% effaced…. Dr Royle also “swirled” the membrane which has been known to release a hormone that starts labor.
My due date is on the 21st. So, just over a week away, but Dr Royle seemed to think that I would have you before then.
I'm not sure if he was telling me what he thought I wanted to hear or if I might be posting baby pics soon... but either way, the bit of dilation and effacement are good signs.
It's finally starting to happen!
In order to not come home and star at each other, Daddy and I went out and had some Chinese food and watched The Avengers. As a distraction technique, it totally worked.... except when you would move and I would wonder,... hope... feel that thrill of possibility...
/My fortune cookie told me to think positive!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Today was a long day.
My computer was in the shop so I couldn't do much.... I was also feeling very run down after the weekend and so I spent most of the day resting (feet up of course).
I really like how nice an organized the hourse is... let's hope it can stay that way for a bit.
A few contractions today... but not regular or long... and honestly sometimes hard to tell that they are contractions and not the normal pelvic / tummy pain.
Daddy was going to have to go out of town thsiweek but ti would have taken him far away for a bunch of time without being able to be in contact with us... so he passed on the assignment. This might make things a bit more stressful at work, but he wants to make sure he is nearby (or at least reachable) in the off chance I go into labor this week.
I don't think I will, but had he gone out of town, I bet I would have :)
My labor prediction: Since I have this great involved plan for how things can be taken care of... it won't go anywhere near that plan. Just watch, I'll be one of those "lucky" 1 in 10 who's labro starts with water breaking instead of having lots of prep time with contractions.... I hope for the later, but I'm mentally preparing for the former.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Hooray for new shelving!
And hooray for packing the hospital bag and box!
There are still things on the to-do list, but they are much lower in priority... as of right now I can say that we are ready for this labor!
The parenting part... well... I still have worries and concerns and such... but we will cross that bridge when we get there.
We also had a SWAC brunch this morning... it was my last SWAC brunch as a preggo.... sort of bittersweet.
Eric came and got the table out of the living room... which was great, I can finally stop tripping over it all the damn time.
Yes, your mother is a klutz... and my natural clumsiness has only increased with the carrying of you! (But I don't mind... much)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
(Me, Ashley and Richard, Cynthia and Piper, Jennifer and Jerum)
We had a busy day... brunch this morning with friends, shopping... and then we went out for our anniversary.
5 years!
Sometimes it seems much much longer... not in a bad way, but in the whole hard-to-remember-life-before sort of way.
For our 5 year anniversary, we are giving each other the gift of parenthood.
--- Our actual anniversary is a bit later this month, but we figured we better celebrate it sooner as your arrival is imminent. ---
Friday, September 7, 2012
Today I spent some time with Allison, attended a Anthology Committee Meeting, had a bit of a break down, got over it, did a MASSIVE Target shopping trip, and started making you a new blanket.
Also, tried El Pollo Loco for the first time, really really good!
But back to your blanket. I made you a pink and blue one before, but I am trying again with a different pattern in my head. honestly, this is so I have something to do as I sit on the couch and watch TV. Typing has become almost impossible and reading tends to put me to sleep no matter what I am reading... so... crochet it is!
38 weeks today... and really really ready for you! all that's really left to do is pack the hospital bag.... which I keep procrastinating. I am really ready for you... but for some reason, I just can't seem to take that last prep step.
Soon. Soon.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A few more contractions... and yes... there is an app for that. /snicker
I had a dr apt today and Dr Royle told me you could come at anytime.
In the evening we had a bit of family drama... but it is all taken care of now. Just one of those times when it is important to realize that people show love in different ways... and that family traditions can be modified as families change.
I'm glad to be part of the Armstrong family... but more so I am glad that your daddy and I are building our own family with our own traditions... the Metcalfe-Armstrong Family!
You are already so loved little one... people are practically fighting over who gets to spend time with you.
Now... hurry up and come out!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Our CoC game got called tonight due to people having to do other stuff... so we played Banagrams with Ashley instead.
Not a bad way to spend the evening!
A few more contractions today, but nothing really big or serious. At least not yet!
My to-do list has shrunk, but there are still some things on there that I want to do before I declare that I am ready for you.... hopefully by Saturday!
I'm glad because my energy levels are dipping dangerously low... it is getting harder and harder to keep up with even the simple things...
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
We had a date night tonight... we went and saw the latest Batman movie...
...and I felt my first Actual Big Not a Drill For Realsies BH Contraction!
A lot of people start feeling these in weeks 34 or 35.... but here we are in week 37 and I hadn't felt any yet. I was starting to get worried.
Apparently you just needed to hear Batman being all awesome!
It was just the one big one... I know that just means that labor is coming and really doesn't tell us when, but damn it was exciting!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Your car seat has been installed!
Nest up: we get it checked by the CHP to make sure it is as safe as can be.
Lots more things checked off the to-do list today... including some shopping for the final bit of baby stuff!
And of course we had to watch the new Dr. Who episode and take a nap. Kind of a perfect day.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Today Daddy helped Rob move to his new apartment in the Tower. It is a very cute little place with a lot of charm to it.
Later, we met up with Rob for tacos and to toast his move to Fresno.
But during the day? During the day we were a tornado of productivity! We knocked almost 30 things off the giant to-do list!
Betweent he cleaning, the organizing, the planning, the list making, the errands.... well, I'm pooped but so very glad we got so much done!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
We have our Childbirth Prep class today.
Ok... a few things.
1. Your daddy is awesome. We giggled and whispered throughout the whole thing. Thanks to him, it was an enjoyable class.
2. Our teacher was nuts. Certifiable. She was all about the TMI and the gender stereotypes. Very annoying.
3. I learned a few things, so that's good.... but a few things didn't make sense and the teacher wasn't all that good at explaining them.
Regardless, it was a decent day. The class was long but we had a nice evening relaxing afterwards.
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