Friday, November 30, 2012
Ashley came to visit with little Richard today. You are so well behaved when there is company! Why can't you be so good when it is just us?
We took a trip to Target and it totally wore both you and Richard out! So far, you are a good shopper as long as you aren't wet or hungry.
I tried having you in the bjorn for part of the day... but after about 10 minutes you were done and angry. I think I need to save that for when we go outside, walking around with you in while in the apartment seems to just piss you off.
Also today I started on my baking lists for all the holiday baking.... I'll stick with some classics but want to bake a few new things this year too. Hopefully as you get older, holiday baking will be something we can do together.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Today as part of the ongoing entertain/distract the baby campaign we skyped with Rachel in Santa Cruz! It was a lot of fun... and you seemed to dig looking at the screen.
We don't really let you look at the screen (TV or laptop) except for skype stuff. I want to keep you TV-free for as long as possible. I know eventually we will want to let you start watching movies and such, but we are going to wait until you are at least 2.
At least that is our plan right now.
Anyway, you enjoyed your skype with Rachel and I enjoyed you being so easily entertained.
In other news, we have been sort of doing a sleep routine lately (since getting home from thanksgiving) and even though you cry a lot and it is hard, I thin it is getting better.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Today is your daddy's birthday! Happy Birthday to Daddy!
We celebrated with a special dinner (I made pesto chicken!)
This morning I was so tired I could hardly see straight and so I brought you into our bed for some cuddles. You aren't an overly cuddly baby, but you seemed happy enough to lay with me for a while.
I'm still not really comfortable with you sleeping in our bed, but little cat naps seem ok since I know I won't really sleep, just rest.
You are happiest when we are looking at and talking to you, and if I can do that while in a semi reclined position, all the better!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Pretty typical day here today.
You re getting better at your naps and don't seem to mind taking them in your crib, which is nice.
It's starting to get a little cooler and I like you better in jammies anyway so today was a "let's not get dressed" sort of day.
Today I made the list of all the people who we are sending Holiday cards and letters to and wrote the holiday letter. It will need to be edited etc, but it is a start and I'm glad. We are giving holiday cards to almost 80 people this year! WOW!
Monday, November 26, 2012
We are still getting used to our new nap routine... and we are working on a nighttime routine as well.
It is going slowlYou are getting to be such a good eater! Look at your little belly! So big and round! So much love for your little squishy arms and legs!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
It was so nice to be home after our trip!
Today Daddy took you for a walk and I got a bunch of stuff done... and while it was nice, I did keep forgetting that you weren't here and going into the nursery to check on you.
I love you!
I love how happy you are when you are playing in your seat!
I love how sweet you look first thing in the morning!
I love how cuddly you are when you are eating!
I am so very thankful for you!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
This morning we got up and went to the beach before picking you up from Grandma and Grandpa's house.
The beach.. oh how I miss it! We went to the spot where we got engaged and looked out over the water. It was fun to think of all the changes that have taken place since that windy engagement day....
After we picked you up, we went to your cousin Noe's birthday party in Modesto. again you did great watching all the people... but you did seem to sort of hit your max and so I kept you on my lap for most of the party.
I can't wait to have birthday parties for you!
Friday, November 23, 2012
This morning we dropped you off at Grandma and Grandpa's house and then Daddy and I had a date day and night!
We saw a movie, we had dinner... we called several times to make sure that you were ok....
It was fun to spend some quality time with Daddy, but I missed you. A lot.
Notes: The Skyfall James Bond movie was great.
Pizza My Heart belongs in Santa Cruz, it was weird to see it in San Jose.
I celebrated my night off of nursing by eating doughnuts in bed around 11pm and watching cartoons.
Again, it was a nice mini break, but boy did I miss you.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
There are a lot of photos that were taken today, not only of the day itself but we did the "official" family phtoos today as well. But those will all be albums for eons to come... so I wanted to show you this one instead:
That's you taking a nap at Grandma and Grandpa's! You are being such a good sleeper... it makes me look like a liar!
I love your little orange outfit even if Grandpa says you look like a pumpkin.
We visited with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Kristen, aunt Gina, Uncle Peter, Cousin Kendal, Great Grandma Metcalfe,a nd Auntie Ree! Wow!
Ok... here are a few of those more fancy photos!
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4 generations! |
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I'm so excited! We leave for San Jose tonight and will stay in a hotel. Tomorrow we will spend the whole day with family!
Today we started our day at 6:15 because that was when you decided that sleep was for the birds. However, you are getting better about your naps in your crib... it isn't a perfect system, but we are getting there.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day in which we mourn those transgender people who have been killed because of hate and bigotry and at the same time celebrate those who are here.
We did this by taking part in a candle light vigil in downtown followed by a march and then a reception.
Baby's first political rally!
You loved it! I wore you in the bjorn and you had a great time looking all around at everyone. During the march, you fell asleep!!!! And at the reception you snuggled with Chris and James while I gave my speech. All in all, you were perfect which just reinforces the idea that you are fussy so much at home because you are bored and need more / different stimulation.
Monday, November 19, 2012
One of our "distract and entertain the baby" games is Doing Laundry! Or rather, Folding Laundry!
You seem to enjoy this process and even though it makes folding a basket of laundry take forever, it is worth it.
You are starting to seep for longer periods at a time... at night. This helps me a lot as you still hate sleeping during the day. You are still an active sleeper (all night) but your longer chunks of sleep time (5 hours) are a blessing nonetheless!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Book Club Today!
Which meant that you hung with Daddy and I got to hang out and talk books with a lovely group of ladies! (And show off your photo of course!)
I love book clubs.... you always get people who disagree about why or why a book or character is good or sympathetic. Sometimes the discussions can get loud and intense, but the end result is that we all share our opinions in a respectful way. after all, writing is an art form and art is subjective.
Coming home from book club always makes me want to write more.
We talked about a book today called "The Language of Flowers." I really disliked this book. At one oint a new mother leaves her newborn (less than a week old) daughter alone in an apartment. She does this out of necessity at first but later she does it again to teach her newborn daughter a lesson, to win the battle of wills.... it was disturbing.
And it made me want to hug you over and over and over again.
In other news you are starting to reach out and grab things (or try to grab things) like the camera strap in the photo above. Hooray for milesones!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
12 hours of almost non stop fussy screaming baby.
It hurts my ears, it hurts my head, it hurts my heart.
This has to be part of the "worst part" right? It has to start getting better soon.... right? RIGHT?
I'm so glad your Daddy is home.... and I'm so glad we have such nice neighbors! Jennifer and Adam and little Jarom came over for dinner tonight. It is so nice to have neighbors who are friends as well as neighbors! I hope that we get o see more of them in the coming months / years!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Leah came to see us today.
I hope people come visit when you are older and less fussy as well... but I am so glad for the company right now!
Leah and I met in college... we noticed each other during an English class... it turn out we had 3 English classes together. Lucky us!
There is nothing like meeting someone and clicking with them... finding out that you have everything and yet nothing in common and never running out of things to talk about. I miss a lot of things about Sacramento but I think I miss Leah the most. So many happy memories... she was my first real girl friend / best friend as an adult.
I am sure you will have a elationship like that too someday, and I am excited for you!
I'm also excited because Leah and her husband Joe are going to maybe start a family next year. Guess who is going to maybe get all your hand me downs?!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Today your aunt Bethany came to visit and I just had to dress you in your Beatles outfit (she was a huge fan when she was younger). I wonder what group or musical act you will be obsessed with when you are a teenager. I hope it is something akin to the Beatles and not something like One Direction... /gag/
It was fun hanging out with her... even if you did cry most of the day.
She even watched you while I got some blood work done. Just how messed up is my blood? We'll know in a few weeks!
Hanging out with Aunt Beth made me miss my sisters, I am so excited that you get to meet your aunt Gina next week!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
No.. the photo for today is really this one:
You had a lot of trouble napping again today (poor thing). If it wasn't your farts waking you up it was your sneezes.
Allison came to visit you and we discovered that you are happiest on the changing table. so, we just pulled up a chair and let you hang out there for a while.
You are starting to make little sounds in between the crying. Could there be adorable coos in our future? Yes please!
No.. the photo for today is really this one:
You had a lot of trouble napping again today (poor thing). If it wasn't your farts waking you up it was your sneezes.
Allison came to visit you and we discovered that you are happiest on the changing table. so, we just pulled up a chair and let you hang out there for a while.
You are starting to make little sounds in between the crying. Could there be adorable coos in our future? Yes please!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I had a Dr apt today. It was my postpartum check up. I'm doing good and got the green light.
You don't know what that means, and that's fine.
But I know what that means, and Daddy knows what that means. And we are happy.
The photo is from your stint in the car seat during the trip to the Dr office.
Monday, November 12, 2012
I'm cheating again.
This adorable photo is from yesterday morning at the SWAC coffee when you were being delightful.
Today there were no photos because today sucked ass.
Today, by the numbers: Number of naps exceeding an hour? One. Number of naps less than 20 mins? 4. Number of times she spit up all over herself? 4. Number of times she spit up all over Mommy? 5. Number of blowout poopy diapers? One.... which resulted in both Mommy and Baby needing a full change of clothes.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Today was an early Thanksgiving dinner with friends including little Piper who is five months older than you... and only 3 pounds heavier. You two are almost the same size!
I made a potato dish that went over well and we enjoyed the holiday fare with gusto! Such a nice time with friends!
And yeah... you were fussy for part of it... but not as bad as you could have been / have been lately. So, there's that.
I'm looking forward to your first Thanksgiving... and yes, despite it all, I am very thankful for you.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Daddy was so pleased with himself, he dressed you all cute this morning!
So of course you spit up all over yourself.
I changed you.
You spit up all over me.
WE both had dentist appointments today. Oh the joy. We got there on time and still had to wait. We took turns getting our teeth looked at and taking care of you in the lobby. Never has a dentist appointment been so stressful!
And we both have to come back for fillings etc. Little one we are going to be manic about your teeth health just so you know. Because this was a pain the rear.
Friday, November 9, 2012
We have learned a new game that you seem to like! I prop you up on pillows on the couch and we sing and I wiggle your legs and arms and hands and give you big kisses.
Like everything, it makes you happy for around 10 minutes, but still... I was lucky enough to get some pretty awesome smiles today.
And Daddy is home! Hooray!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tummy Time with Miss Allison.
You still like your tummy time but not as much as you used to.
You are 7 weeks old today... and you are totally the epitome of baby bipolar!
Another first today... first skype talk with Daddy while he is out of town. You were sort of interested in it... for around 10 minutes anyway.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
In my ever ongoing attempts to find things that make you happy... we did floor time in the nursery on the safari rug today. It went ok... for around 10 minutes... That seems to be your attention span for anything.
You are lucky you are so cute.
You ae also lucky (as am I) that your Daddy loves you as much as he does. Tonight he drove down from the mountians to hold you (while you fussed) so that I could have a bit of a break... and then he drove back to the mountians where he is working.
This crying stuff has got to end at some point.
It just has to.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Today was election day... but before we get to that...
This morning while I carried you around in circles in the living room I decided to listen to the radio. I ended up hearing them ask for a contestant to play a trivia game. In order to continue to stave off the abject boredom of walking around the living room in circles, I called in. Wonder of wonders, I got the question right and won some tickets to a park! (I will probably donate them, but still!)
And then it was election day! Do you like my rainbow cupcake? I was celebrating the results. The LGBT community made some big strides and President Obama was reelected A few local propositions didn't go the way I had voted, but on the whole it was a very satisfying day.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Guess who came to visit!
Uncle Patrick and Aunt Stacy! aka Your God Parents!
It was a great visit! You were sweet and happy, you didn't throw up on either of them, you even napped like a normal little baby!
I'm looking forward to your first trip to San Francisco where they live,but for now it was great that they were able to come visit you here in Fresno!.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Back to being fussy at home again today.... le sigh
Except for a brief few moments where you were all smiles for Daddy.
I'm exhausted!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
It was a big day today!
First off we voted (early) so that we wouldn't have to try to do it during the weekday next week.
Voting is important, don't let anyone tell you differently.
Then we went to Sacramento for a baby shower! One of Daddy's friends from high school, aaron, and his wife, Nicole, are going to have a baby girl early next year. I was a bit worried about how you would do in the car... and how you would do at the party as you still tend to cry and fuss most of the day... every day.
You did great! You loved watching all the other little kids play and getting passed from lap to lap! It was like we had found the magic no-fuss spel! I guess maybe you aren't getting enough stimulation at home; I need to be taking you out and about more often!
Look at you all alert and content on my lap up there! Such a trooper!
On our way home from the shower we had two other bits of adventure... an exploding diaper that resulted in us on our hands and keens on the side of the road (in grass thankfully) trying to get you cleaned off..... and a visit to your aunt Steph!
And then you slept the whole way home!
Damn but you are sometimes all kinds of awesome!
Friday, November 2, 2012
We took you to the library today and got you your very own library card.
Now, you won't really be doing much checking out for a while... but just for signing you up they gave us a free board book about baby animals. Score!
I hope you like the library as much as I did when I was little.
We used to walk to the library and checkout books every week during the summer. It was awesome... so many books! At one point I wanted to read all the books in the library. Now, I know that isn't practical, but it sure sounded like fun when I was 12.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Daddy's home!
We are both so glad to see him! We had to share but we did get all our kisses and hugs!
And it is November... the month where people talk about what they are grateful for all month and then go out and spend a zillion dollars on buying more crap.
Today I am thankful that Daddy is home.
And that you let me take your photo in the kitty hat... because omg so cute!
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