Thursday, October 11, 2012


This photo shows you one of the tricks we use to get you to stop crying: Daddy swings you in your seat.

Now, that sounds easy, but the seat (especially with you in it) isn't really light per say.... and as you get bigger it is only going to get heavier. 

So, this can't be a regular thing... but sometimes we have to use what we can.

And sometimes we have to trick you into quieting down.

(we use the vacuum too.....)

In other news, today is national Coming Out Day. (I came out -again- as a bi pagan agnostic loudmouth). I really hope that when you are old enough to be aware of such things there isn't the need for days like today, that our society has progressed to the point where no one cares and no one is in danger for being honest about who they are.

Ok, maybe too much to wish for for you in your youth, but hopefully by the time you are my age? We can hope.

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