Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I was prepping for a Board meeting.... which meant spending time in a coffee shop... which meant getting distracted by the nifty artistic aesthetic of said coffee shop....

Actually I had a meeting at the coffee shop too, so it wasn't all just hanging out and taking photos.

I met with leadership from the Trans-E-Motion group here in town. I want you to know, little one, that if you feel that you were born in the wrong body (gender wise) I will support you.

I am really excited about having, whichever gender you are. I know you aren't supposed to have a preference... well I do, but I am going to keep it tomyself for a bit. It isn't as much of a preference as a "I have always wanted a ___"

But more than a gender specific blank, I am really looking forward to having YOU!!!!

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