Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Meet Percival, my purse monkey.

He is attached to my keys.

He is there to help me not lose my keys... and to remind me of an important lesson: don't judge.

See, last week in the mall in Sacramento, I was "lucky" enough to spend a good loooooong while in a store called Claire's. This store is all about girly pink and fashion.

Things I am decidedly not really into. at all.

Things I hope you are not into either, but I digress.

This store, full of fake eyelashes, earrings, make up, hair things, things with glitter and sequins... this store sort of drives me nuts. BUT Olivia and Bailee are all about this girly crap ans so we spent some time there.

When we finally escaped they told me the next store on the list was the Hello Kiyy store... a similar store full of Japanese imports of girly pink Japanese crap.

I decided to not go with them and took refuge on a bench.

(Sometimes pulling the pregnancy card is a good thing)

Anyway, Auntie Ree asked me why I didn't want to go in and , suppressing a shudder, I told her I had had my fill of girly pink crap for one day.

So, she found something non girly, non pink and non crap in the Hello Kitty store and bought it for me.


 He is adorable and I love him.

So, maybe there is hope for those horrible girly pink stores after all.

Or maybe there is hope for me to not be so judgmental.

Either way, he is on my keys and I couldn't be happier.

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