Sunday, November 18, 2012


Book Club Today!

Which meant that you hung with Daddy and I got to hang out and talk books with a lovely group of ladies! (And show off your photo of course!)

I love book clubs.... you always get people who disagree about why or why a book or character is good or sympathetic. Sometimes the discussions can get loud and intense, but the end result is that we all share our opinions in a respectful way. after all, writing is an art form and art is subjective.

Coming home from book club always makes me want to write more.

We talked about a book today called "The Language of Flowers." I really disliked this book. At one oint a new mother leaves her newborn (less than a week old) daughter alone in an apartment. She does this out of necessity at first but later she does it again to teach her newborn daughter a lesson, to win the battle of wills.... it was disturbing.

And it made me want to hug you over and over and over again.

In other news you are starting to reach out and grab things (or try to grab things) like the camera strap in the photo above. Hooray for milesones!

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