Saturday, September 15, 2012


Today is our 5 year anniversary.

5 years!

Sometimes it seems a lot longer (in the whole hard to remember what life was like before sort of way) and sometimes it seems so quick.

We had brunch at our favorite breakfast place (and used a coupon!). -That's what the photo is from- I even allowed myself 1 and 1/2 cup of decalf coffee as a treat!

The rest of the day we spent relaxing, doing a bit of kitchen prep for you, and playing WoW. For dinner we cooked togehter, so nice, and then had a brief cuddle before headed over to Cynthia and Michael's house for dessert with a whole slew of people.

I got to play with a 2 1/2 year old and hold baby Piper... and then come home and spend some more quality time with your daddy.

It was a wonderful day!

Yes, I sort of wish you were here or at least coming, but I am glad we had the day we did.

This year our big anniversary gift to each other is... YOU!

Last year I made daddy this video:

I hope someday you too gt to have such a wonderful partner in your life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey! This is adorable! I'm so so so happy that your found your wonderful Matthew! Can't wait to meet him one day and of course see you once more. You've become such a lovely woman and will make an amazing Mommy!

    Love you so much!

    Auntie Kathy
